Classic Raspberry Pav
I have to admit that I’m a little bit surprised by my own cooking these days. There are times when it is just so damn…traditional. I find myself saying things like ‘the classics are classics for a reason.’ The cookbooks I’m collecting are published by the Australian Women’s Weekly. I find myself craving things like a sausage. On white bread. With tomato sauce. Could this be my palate’s backlash against the multicultural Australian table? Will I be reduced to eating meat and three boiled veg the rest of my days?!
Somehow I don’t think so. Although I enjoy the pleasures of a simple meal as much as the next minimalist cooking guru, I don’t think my love of fresh baked bread with butter is going to kill off my longing for a good Vietnamese feed, adapted from the real deal or not. Another thing to remember is that while some food may seem exotic to me, they’re just business as usual for those that grew up with them.
All this is really just a roundabout way of saying that when I signed up for today’s pavlova blog hop, I knew I wouldn’t be getting fancy. I knew I’d be sticking with ‘old faithful’, The Australian Women’s weekly 4 egg pav. I’m lazy, so I knew I’d be topping it with whipped cream and frozen raspberries and nothing more, even thought there’s nothing I like better than what I consider the classic pav fruit combo: passionfruit, mango, banana, kiwi fruit and strawberries.
Raspberry Pav (From The Australian Women’s Weekly)
4 eggs whites (tip: separate them in a separate bowl, pouring them into the bowl you will beat them in one by one. Nothing worse than having to chuck out 4 yolked whites rather than two)
1 cup sugar
300ml cream, thickened or pure
3 teaspoons icing sugar mixture
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
Frozen raspberries, to top – I used close to two cups
Preheat your oven to 120°c (110°c fan forced). Line a flat tray with baking paper, draw a 15-20cm circle on it if you like.
Make sure everything (bowl, beaters) is completely dry. Beat the eggs for about 10 minutes on high speed, until firm-ish peaks form. I use an electric hand beater, this may take less time with a standing mixer, I have no idea.
Add the sugar bit by bit, still beating. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved before adding more. I did this in about 5 lots, it took about 3 minutes.
Shape your pavlova on the tray, levelling it so that it has a flat top. Bake for 1 to 1½ hours, turn off the oven, open the door and allow the pav to cool completely in the oven.
Meanwhile, whip together the cream, icing sugar and vanilla until soft peaks form.
When the pav is completely cooled, carefully peel off the baking paper, place on a plate and decorate. It’s great served immediately or over the next few days.
What about you? What’s your fave ‘traditional’ recipe?

26 Responses to Classic Raspberry Pav
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I love your classic pavlova, and those raspberries on top look fantastic. You can’t go wrong with berries and pavlova.
Jennifer (Delicieux) recently posted…Black Forest Pavlova
Oh well done, Lauren!
Your photos looks absolutely stunning. I love the contrasts of the white pavlova, the dark red berries and the charcoal backdrop.
It may be a classic recipe and combination but you’ve put it all together in a very modern way. Beautiful job.
Christina @ The Hungry Australian recently posted…Beautiful Berry Pavlova
Berries and meringue are a great match: tart and sweet, plus great colour combo. I’m rebelling against tradition at the moment but now that it’s nice and sunny I want to get some fresh fish for cebiche.
Gaby recently posted…Review: Thai Riffic (Spreets voucher)
Lauren, may I please tell you that your classic pavlova looks superb and the Women’s Weekly cookbooks are the best, so reliable. The recipes are triple tested and they always work. As a food writer, cookbook reviewer and cooking school owner (who welcomed Pamela Clark to Canberra often), I learned over a decade or more that some recipes just do not work. Well done. Lovely to meet you.
Lizzy (Good Things) recently posted…Passionfruit and Raspberry Chinchillas – Great Australian Pavlova Blog Hop
I too love a sausage sandwich… on white bread, with tomato sauce and onions! LOL.
Lizzy (Good Things) recently posted…Passionfruit and Raspberry Chinchillas – Great Australian Pavlova Blog Hop
I love the pics! and I love raspberries. They are my favourite fruit from when we used to pick them in the fruit farm as kids, so I’d pick your pavlova over all of them!
Michelle recently posted…Upside Down Lemon Meringue Pie Pavlova
Dear Lauren,
There’s nothing wrong with old world food as long as it’s tasty. I love throwing retro parties completed with retro music and attire as well
Your raspberry pavlova looks beautiful and love that aerial shot too!
Chopinand @ ChopinandMysaucepan recently posted…Catalina, Rose Bay
Lovely looking pavlova and the photos are great!
penny aka jeroxie recently posted…The Great Australian Pavlova Blog Hop Event – Pandan Pavlova with lychees, kiwi and coconut cream
loving the pics, Lau! Nice FOOD STYLING!
Raspberries topping a pav, simple, colourful and delicious.
Sara (Belly Rumbles) recently posted…IKEA Tempe: Swedish Melty Meaty Balls (Köttbullar)
Love the classics – its true, they’re classic for a reason. So great
Love the classic Pavlova. I always love the “cracks” that sometimes appear raspberries and cream…nothing could be better.
Moya recently posted…pavlova bites with rose scented cream and pomegranate
Classic, and very pretty too. It’s fun to see all these pavlovas!
leaf (the indolent cook) recently posted…vegan cashew wasabi leaf pesto
wow look at all that cream! I’m in love! Looks gorgeous and crunchy on the outside.
One of my favourite traditional recipes is the good old lamington.Brings me back to those “Lamington Drives” they used to hold at my primary school. I love the perfect simplicity of your pav… did you get it to stay so white?!
I actually only cooked it for an hour, and the oven was on 100. I think the key is to keep and eye on it, cover it if it starts to brown. I’ve seen a lot of recipes where you start out at 150 or so and after about 20 minutes, just turn the oven off or right down.
Oh and by the way I LOVE the name of your bog! And I love you logo.
Look at that luscious raspberry on top! I’m in love!
Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella recently posted…Owl Cookies
There’s absolutely nothing at all wrong with sticking with a classic – especially when it is such a winner. Your photo’s look gorgeous too – the colours contrast brilliantly.
Amanda recently posted…The Great Australian Pavlova Blog Hop – or Why I ate Pavlova for breakfast
I love AWW cookbooks! We always used to have a massive trifle for Christmas dessert, but when I got old enough to take over the cooking, I switched it for pavlova because its a little lighter after a big meal.
My current favourite are mini pavlovas with plain meringue, mango sorbet, fresh mango chunks and a dollop of passionfruit pulp.
Sarah @ studiofood recently posted…Lazy Low-Carb Roast
You know, classics are classics for a reason! That doesn’t mean there isn’t room for modern or ethnic food as well! This Pavlova looks marvelous, I could take a bite right now!
Katherine Martinelli recently posted…Individual Pavlovas with Strawberry Compote and Mango Coulis
You can’t go past the classic! Looks amazing.
Liz recently posted…This is for you.
your pictures came out very nice Lauren – love the 3rd one especially. Nothing beats a classic pavlova!
Julie recently posted…Rainbow layered pavlova tower
Dolly recently posted…Medusa Greek Taverna – Town Hall
Wow look at all those pavs! Yours looks stunning against the dark background!
Jen recently posted…Chips Club
Gorgeous! I’m enjoying the simple raspberries on top rather than the usual mish-mash of everything (not that there’s anything wrong with that, though!). Love your photography and styling.
[…] of things for Aussies and Kiwis to fight over – the flat white. Along with lamingtons and pavlova we both lay claim this antipodean beverage, something I always took for granted as the most boring […]